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The University offers scholarships to deserving and academically excellent students. Scholarship eligibility assessment of applicants is based on their academic achievement.

Grab Merit Scholarship Based on CUET 2024 Score

Sr. No. Scholarship % % ile in CUET
1 100% 90 & Above
2 75% 85 - 89.99
3 50% 80 - 84.99
4 30% 75 - 79.99
5 20% 70 - 79.99
6 10% 65 - 69.99

Grab Merit Scholarship Based on 12th Percentage

Sr. No. Scholarship % % in 12th
1 100% Above 90%
2 50% 80.99 - 90%
3 25% 70.99% - 80%
4 20% 60% - 70%

Grab Merit Scholarship Based on JEE

Sr. No. Scholarship Amount(only in First Year) Rank
1 100% 01 - 30000
2 70% 30001 - 50000
3 50% 50001 - 75000